Guide for Authors

Submission Guidelines

Thank you for choosing to submit your paper to us, Asian communication Research. ACR is a refereed international publication that publishes high-quality, original research. Please see the journalโ€™s Aims and Scope for more information about its focus. Manuscripts of sufficient quality that meet the aims and scope of ACR will be reviewed. Please read the guidelines below and follow them as closely as possible so your paper can move through peer review smoothly. Manuscripts not conforming to these guidelines may be returned. There is no fee for submission and processing of manuscripts from authors.

Peer-Review Policy

ACR follows a double-blind peer review process. All submitted manuscripts that the editors consider potentially suitable for ACR are reviewed blind, normally by two referees. A third referee may be used when the editors think that additional expertise would be beneficial. The referees are drawn from members of the editorial board or other specialists in a particular field. Based on the reviews, the editors will make an editorial decision from the four options: a) accept, b) accept with revisions, c) revise and resubmit, and d) reject. The editors will provide comments to authors including either suggested revisions or reasons for rejecting the paper. We aim to make an initial decision on whether to send for review within two weeks of the paper reaching the editors, and the first decision within eight weeks of initial submission.

Types of Manuscripts

Asian Communication Research accepts the following types of articles: original research article, research insight, and book review, all of which undergo rigorous peer review.

  • Original Research Article: Presenting new research findings with methods that make a significant contribution to knowledge (6,000โ€“9,000 words, inclusive of all elements).
  • Research Insight: Presenting new ideas regarding theoretical and methodological issues in communication studies without substantial analysis of data (4,000โ€“9,000 words, inclusive of all elements).
  • Book Review: Presenting critical reviews on a set of recently published books that focus on a central theme within the discipline (2,000โ€“4000 words). Potential book reviewers are requested to contact the editors in advance.

Preparing Your Paper

Please note that the manuscript submitted should have not been published in any language or submitted for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts that have been prepared in accordance with the following guidelines should be submitted online at

Style and format

Manuscripts should follow the style of the American Psychological Association (7th edition preferred, 6th edition acceptable). Click here to download a manuscript template.

Please use 12-point Times New Roman or 11-point Georgia; double-space the entire text; and use 2.5 to 3 cm margins on all sides of the page. Align text to the left, leaving the right margin ragged or uneven, and indent the first line of every paragraph by 1.25 to 1.5 cm from the left margin.

Structure of the manuscript

The manuscript should be submitted in separate MS Word files: title page and main text.

The title page should contain the following elements:

  • - Title
  • - Running head (three to five words)
  • - The full name of all authors
  • - The authorsโ€™ institutional affiliations
  • - Author note

Author note may include the list of authorsโ€™ ORCID identification numbers if available (, changes of affiliation, authorsโ€™ contact information, disclosures and acknowledgments, and funding details (if any). In contact information, clearly indicate who the corresponding author is. The corresponding author is responsible for communication with the editor during the review and publication process of the paper, and serves as the main point of contact for any questions regarding the paper after its publication.

The main text should not contain any clue to the authorโ€™s information and be arranged in the following order:

  • - Abstract (up to 200 words in a single paragraph)
  • - Keywords (up to six words)
  • - Text
  • - References
  • - Tables
  • - Figures
  • - Appendices

The abstract should be a concise but comprehensive summary of the study. It should be presented as one paragraph with a structured format including objective, method, results, and conclusions. A good abstract of empirical articles describes the problem under investigation, participants or data sources, essential features of the study method, basic findings, and conclusions and implications of the findings. The abstract is limited to no more than 200 words. At the bottom of the abstract, provide three to six keywords that show the most important aspects of the study.


APA style uses the author-date citation system. All citations mentioned in the text, tables, or figures must be listed alphabetically in the reference list in the following standard form.

Journal article
Chung, S., Carpenter, C. J., Shin, H., & Lee, W. (2020). Three models for persuasive effects of source expertise: The heuristic cue model, the evidence model, and the moderator model. Asian Communication Research, 17(1), 40-75.
Journal article, advance online
Author, A., & Author, B. (2021). Title of the article: Subtitle of the article. Title of Journal. Advance online publication.
Jin, D. Y. (2019). Globalization and media in the digital platform age. Routledge.
Chapter in an edited book
Kim, Y. C. (2017). Urban communication and community studies: Korean communication scholar's perspectives. In D. Y. Jin & N. Kwak (Eds.), Communication, digital media, and popular culture in Korea (pp. 321-340). Lexington Books.
Book in another language
Hong, S.-K. (2020). BTS gil wieseo [BTS on the road]. Across.
Book in translation
Ong, W. J. (2018). Orality and literacy (M. Lim, Trans.). Moonye (original work published 1982).
Conference paper
Chung, S., & Fink, E. L. (2018, May 24โ€“28). Mathematical models of the effect of message discrepancy on belief change: Previous models and a modified psychological discounting model [Paper presentation]. International Communication Association 68th Annual Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic.
Online news article
Jacobs, A. (2021, February 4). A parallel pandemic hits health care workers: Trauma and exhaustion.
New York Times.
Report by a government agency or other organization
Name of Group. (2020). Title of report. Publisher information and/or URL
Author, A., & Author, B. (2021). Title of report. Publisher information and/or URL
Dissertation and thesis
Author, A. A. (2019). Title of thesis [Unpublished masterโ€™s thesis]. Name of Institution.
Author, B. B. (2020). Title of dissertation/thesis [Doctoral dissertation/Masterโ€™s thesis, Name of Institution]. Database or Archive Name. https://xxxx

Tables and figures

Each table and figure should have a brief and self-explanatory title above and note below it. Please ensure that the content of tables do not duplicate the text. And please supply figures as high-resolution files in PNG, TIFF or EPS format, if necessary. All tables and figures should be numbered, respectively.

Click here to download a manuscript template.

  • Vol. 21, No. 2